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2014 Board Minutes

2014 Board Minutes

January 28th, 6:30pm
# 102, 10524 29 Avenue

PRESENT:         Grant McCargar
                Hania Kura
Manal El Husseiny
Lorraine Wilson
Brittany Durelle KDM

ABSENT WITH REGRETS: Ed Peyton, Hrishikesh Adhikari

1.       Quorum established with 4 of 6 members present

2.        Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.       Call to order: 6:45 p.m.
4.       Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Manal El Husseiny, SECONDED by Hania Kura to approve agenda as amended.  CARRIED.

5.       Approval of Minutes of November 26th MOTION by Manal El Hussieny, SECONDED by Hania Kura CARRIED.  

6.       Property Directors Report:
       Manal El Husseiny
a)     Handyman has been out on site and completed all work except for the vent and the drywall to be done in Legal 16.
b)     The unit heater at the front of Building 2 is not working properly. KDM to contact Save on Mechanical and assess and repair the issue.
Hania Kura
a)     Fans in building 3 have not been picked up.  KDM to contact the Contractor to come out and get the fans
b)     Fence – Hania brought up the fence at the back of the problem.  KDM to get a quote to replace with chain link fencing.
7.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:
a)     Litigation – Ongoing

b)     Windows –KDM to get in contact with All Weather Windows regarding the patio door at L34.  KDM to set up a time to have All Weather Windows out on site to look at the problem.

c)      Handyman – The Board has hired a new Handyman and so far they are very pleased with the work he has done.
d)     Resolution – Grant is sending through a list of the owners that need to sign the resolutions to Manal.  Manal will follow up with the Owners.

e)     L50 – Rainbow restoration has put through a quote for the repair work that needs to be done in the furnace rooms of this tower.  Grant is confirming the scope of work with Rainbow and will inform the Board.  KDM to confirm if the work can be charged back to the owner of L50

f)       B3 Intercom – Hania will check to see if the intercom is working properly and inform KDM.
g)     Handrails – First Choice will be out to install the handrails on February 8th, 2014.
a)     Financial Report
a.       YTD Reports

b.       Cheque signing – Cheque's and cheque register were signed.

MOTION by Hania Kura, SECONDED by Lorraine Wilson to accept financials for info only.  CARRIED.
c.       MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Manal El Hussieny to move 24,787.16 from the year to date Reserve Projection to the Reserve Fund.    CARRIED.

d.      MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Manal El Hussieny to move 50,000 from the Operating account to the Reserve Account                          CARRIED.

8.      New Business
a)     L31 – The Owner of L31 has failed to evict their tenants.  The Condominium Corporation has now handed down a 30 day eviction notice that will be enforced by the Corporation.
MOTION by Lorraine Wilson SECONDED by Hania Kura to have the Corporation Evict the tenants in L31.
b)     B1 Back Door Keys – Manal to get keys cut for the back door.
c)      Bylaws – Grant to contact Kent to help with the wording of the insurance bylaw.
d)     Cat Request – MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Manal El Hussieny to approve the requests from Legal 12 to have 2 cats in her unit.
e)      Siding 2014 – MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Manal El Hussieny to approve First Choice to replace the aluminum siding with vinyl up to $40,000.     
First Choice has informed the board that since the lifts did a lot of damage to the landscaping that this year he will be using scaffolding.  There is still some work that needs to be done to the flashing on Building 1 and 2.  
f)       Decks – MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Manal El Hussieny to hire Morrison Hershfield to do a deck spec.
g)      Washer – KDM to contact Key Refrigeration regarding getting a front loading washing machine for Building 4
h)     Rose Kody Resignation – MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Manal El Hussieny to accept the resignation of Rose Kody as she sold her unit in Kaskitayo House.
i)       Sun Alliance – KDM to pull GL for all of Field Law Payments and send over the GL with the invoices and an invoice to Sun Alliance.  KDM to also send a full copy of the GL to Grant and Manal
j)       Treasurer – MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Manal El Hussieny to appoint Grant McCargar as Treasurer and President.
k)     Landscaping – KDM to contact All Star Landscaping to put ice melt on the sidewalks.
9.      Correspondence –

10.   Next Meeting:  February 25th, 2014 at unit #102, 10524 29 Ave.

11.   Adjournment: MOTION by Manal El Hussieny to adjourn at 8:15 p.m.  CARRIED.

February 25th, 6:30pm
# 102, 10524 29 Avenue

PRESENT:         Grant McCargar
                Hania Kura
Manal El Husseiny
Lorraine Wilson
Ed Peyton
 Hrishikesh Adhikari
Brittany Durelle KDM


 1.       Quorum established with 6 of 6 members present

2.        Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.       Call to order: 6:30 p.m.
4.       Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Hania Kura, SECONDED by Hrishikesh Adhikari to approve agenda as amended.  CARRIED.

5.       Approval of Minutes of January 28th 2014 with amendments MOTION by Manal El Hussieny, SECONDED by Hania Kura CARRIED.  

6.       Property Directors Report:
       Manal El Husseiny
a)     B2 Washing machine is not working correctly.  It requires too many tokens to start a load.  KDM to have key refrigeration out to repair.
b)     L13 has a small dog.  KDM to confirm that a pet agreement has been filled out.
Hania Kura
a)     B3 back stair case light at the top requires a new fixture.
b)     B4 back entrance light fixture on the inside also needs to be replaced.  KDM to have Integra out to fix these lights.
c)      Fence 10528 building is coming away from the post.  KDM to have the handyman out to fix this.
 7.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:
a)     Litigation – Ongoing

b)     Windows –KDM has been in contact with Mitch from All Weather Windows.  KDM to set up a time with Mitch to go out onto site to look at the Garden Door.  KDM to coordinate with Manal if keys are needed.

c)      Handyman – KDM to have the handyman come out and look at the lights in Building 3&4 also to fix the gate beside 10528 and the 4 way stop.  Manal to set up a time with the Handyman to finish the drywall work in L8

d)     Resolution – All 4 Special Resolutions have now been passed.  KDM will receive the final copies from Grant and have them registered at Land Titles.

e)     L50 –The Board has confirmed that the deductible for the work that is to be completed due to the water leak will be charged back to the unit.

f)       Unit Heater – Save on Mechanical was out on site and confirmed that the unit heater was turned down.
g)     Fence – KDM presented a quote from Phoenix Fence.  The quote is to replace the wooden in the back of the building to a chain link fence in the amount of 8,707.65.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Manal El Hussieny to change the wooden fence to a chain link fence up to the amount of $9,000.                                                      CARRIED.
KDM to collect 2 more quotes and to see what the extra cost would be to extend the fence to the end of the parking lot.
h)     L31 – The tenants of this unit have been evicted.
i)       Royal Sun Alliance – The invoice for half of the Legal Fees has been sent to Royal Sun Alliance.  KDM to follow up on payment.
j)       Key – Manal is to work with one of the tenants regarding getting keys cut for the back door.
k)     First Choice – Siding work has started on Building 5.  Railings are on site and are to be installed.  The work has a start date of February 25th and an end date of April 10th.  KDM to run a deposit cheque for First Choice in the amount of 20,000.
A quote has been received from First Choice Siding to re build the floor of the shed and move the shed to rental parking stalls 17-16-15.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Lorraine Wilson to move the shed to rental parking stall 17-16-15.                                                                                                         CARRIED.
MOTION by Ed Peyton SECONDED by Hrishikesh Adhikari to approve the quote from First Choice in the amount of 1,500 plus GST.                                                   CARRIED
a)     Financial Report
a.       YTD Reports

b.       Cheque signing – Cheque's and cheque register were signed.

MOTION by Grant McCargar, SECONDED by Hania Kura to accept the Jan 2014 financials for information only.  CARRIED.

c.       KDM to look into the utilities bills and find out why certain bills are substantially higher than others.  KDM to send a copy of the bills to Grant.

8.      New Business –
a.      Signing Authority – KDM to add Hrishikesh Adhikari as a signing authority.  KDM will gather all the documents needed and get them to Rishi.  KDM will also advise the Board Members when they can go in to sign at the bank.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Lorraine Wilson to add Hrishikesh Adhikari as a singing authority for Kaskitayo House
b.       Insurance Bylaw & Special Resolution – Grant will forward the information to KDM to have printed and sent out to the units.  KDM will add in the cover letter a clause regarding the insurance coverage home owners can get to cover the deductible.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Manal El Hussieny to accept option 2 to add in Bylaw 45 (a) pertaining to insurance deductibles.
9.      Correspondence –

10.   Next Meeting:  March 25th at unit #204, 2916 105A Street @ 6:30pm

11.   Adjournment: MOTION by Manal El Hussieny to adjourn at 8:00 p.m.  CARRIED.

March 25th, 6:30pm
# 204, 2916 105 A Street

PRESENT:         Grant McCargar
                Hania Kura
Manal El Husseiny
Ed Peyton
Hrishikesh Adhikari
Brittany Durelle KDM

1.       Quorum established with 5 of 6 members present

2.        Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.       Call to order: 6:30 p.m.
4.       Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Hania Kura, SECONDED by Hrishikesh Adhikari to approve agenda as amended.  CARRIED.

5.       Approval of Minutes of February 25th 2014 with amendments MOTION by Ed Peyton SECONDED by Hania Kura CARRIED.  

6.       Property Directors Report:
       Manal El Husseiny

Hania Kura
a)     L30 – There is a leather sofa on the patio and the occupants of this unit are also parking in stalls that are not assigned to them. KDM to send a warning letter to the unit.

7.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:
a)     Litigation – Ongoing

b)     Windows – All Weather Windows was out on site to look at the door.  The technician that came out has made the problem worse.  There are scratch-hammer marks in the top corner of the frame and the door is now cracked and not closing properly.  KDM to contact Mitch from All Weather Windows and have someone out to fix this right away.

c)      Resolution – KDM has sent away the papers.  Once received the Board will sign and the Bylaws will be finalized.
d)     Fence – Quotes were presented from Rite Way and Phoenix Fence.  The board has decided to go with 6feet high black vinyl coated chain link fencing. The fence will extend down the side of building five to the sidewalk at a 5 foot height where the existing chain link gate stands.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Hrishikesh Adhikari to remove the gate and change the existing wooden fence to chain link on the side of Building 5.    CARRIED.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Hrishikesh Adhikari to have the fence 6 feet high up until the existing chain link gate besides building five then the height will decrease to 5 feet.  The gate will be black vinyl chain link                                         CARRIED.
Grant will contact Phoenix Fence to have a revised quote put together and present it to the Board.
e)     Keys – Edmonton Lock and Safe was the company who originally change the locks for the furnace room doors.  Grant to get a hold of them to see what the cost would be to re key the locks the Board cannot access.  At the same time Grant is to get the company to look into the back door lock issue at Building 5.
f)       Signing Authorities – The Board is to go into the Bank by April 7th to add the new signing authority.
g)     Decks – Quotes have been received from MH to over-see the balcony project.  The Board has been in contact with Alberta Vinyl Decking for a quote to have 5 balconies completed in 2014.
h)     Dogs – L14 is allowing their pets to do their business over the balcony.  KDM to send a warning letter and to have someone come out to clean the mess and bill it back to the unit.

a)     Financial Report
a.       YTD Reports

b.       Cheque signing – Cheque's and cheque register were signed.

MOTION by Hania Kura, SECONDED by Ed Peyton to accept the Feb 2014 financials for information only.  CARRIED.

c.       Currently the Kaskitayo House Reserve fund has a balance of $225, 575.00

8.      New Business –
9.      Correspondence –

10.   Next Meeting:  April 22nd  at unit #102, 10524 29 Ave Street @ 6:30pm

Adjournment: MOTION by Manal El Hussieny to adjourn at 7:54 p.m.  CARRIED.

April 22nd, 6:30pm
# 102 10524 29 Ave

PRESENT:         Grant McCargar
                Manal El Husseiny
Lorraine Wilson
Ed Peyton
Brittany Durelle KDM

ABSENT WITH REGRETS: Hrishikesh Adhikari, Hania Kura

1.       Quorum established with 5 of 6 members present

2.        Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.       Call to order: 6:30 p.m.
Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Ed Peyton, SECONDED by Manal El Husseiny
to approve agenda as amended.  CARRIED.

Approval of Minutes of March 25th 2014 MOTION by Ed Peyton SECONDED by Manal El Husseiny .CARRIED.  

4.       Property Directors Report:
       Manal El Husseiny
a)     Washer in B2 is still eating tokens.  KDM to contact Key Appliances
b)     Handyman is needed to finish the work in L16.  When the handyman is onsite he is also to fix the downspout that has fallen off and the furnace room door to L49.
5.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:
a)     Litigation – Ongoing

b)     Windows – All Weather Windows was out on site to look at the door.  KDM to go higher up within All Weather Windows to have the door repaired.
c)      Resolution – The final papers have been signed. KDM to send to land titles to be registered.
d)     Fence – The fence has been approved.  Phoenix fence is come out to this week to mark the utilities.  All vehicles are to be removed from along the back fence.  KDM to send a notice to Manal to put up on the fence and in the building letting the residents know that if they do not move their cars they will be towed at the owner’s expense.
e)     Keys – Royal Lock and Key was onsite looking at the Furnace Room locks.
f)       Decks – Quotes will be in by the end of May

a)     Financial Report
a.       YTD Reports

b.       Cheque signing – Cheque's and cheque register were signed.

MOTION by Manal El Hussieny, SECONDED by Lorraine Wilson to table the March Financials.  CARRIED.
6.      New Business –
a.      Railings B3102 – Extra railings will be kept in the mechanical room of B3.
b.      KDM Paperless – MOTION by Ed Peyton SECONDED by Lorrain Wilson to table making a decision regarding KDM going paperless till the next meeting once more information is gathered.  CARRIED.
c.       Auditor – MOTION by Ed Peyton SECONDED by Manal El Hussieny to appoint Cass and Fraser for the 2013 Audit. CARRIED.
7.      Correspondence –

8.       Next Meeting:  May 27th, 2014.  Hania #204 2916 105A Street

9.       Adjournment: MOTION by Manal El Hussieny to adjourn at 7:32 p.m.  CARRIED.

May 27th, 6:30pm
# 204 2916 105A Street

PRESENT:         Grant McCargar
                Hania Kura
Manal El Husseiny
Lorraine Wilson
Hrishikesh Adhikari
Brittany Durelle KDM
1.       Quorum established with 5 of 6 members present

2.        Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.       Call to order: 6:30 p.m.

4.       Guests: Barry Lofto
5.       Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Hania Kura, SECONDED by Hrishikesh Adhikari to approve agenda as amended.                                                                                                  CARRIED.

6.       Approval of Minutes of April 22nd 2014 MOTION by Lorraine Wilson SECONDED by Grant McCargar.                                                                                                                  CARRIED.  

7.       Property Directors Report:
       Manal El Husseiny
a)      B5 Door, Furnace Room door L49, Finish work L16 all to be sent to the Handyman
b)     Hania to send a list of all the balconies that need to be cleaned to KDM.

8.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:
a)     Litigation – Ongoing.  Abris will be working on repairs to the furnace room in Legal 29.
MOTION by Hrishikesh Adhikari SECONDED by Manal El Husseiny to approve the repairs to Legal 29 in the amount of 1750.00 plus gst.                   CARRIED.

b)     Windows – KDM is still working on trying to try and have All Weather Windows out to fix the garden door.  KDM may have to set up a meeting with All Weather to come up with a solution.                   
c)      Fence – While Phoenix fence was onsite they hit the lines that run to the car plugs in the parking lot. Triad electric has been out to assess the situation and the repairs have been quoted at 5,700.  To date costs incurred is around 1,800.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Lorraine Wilson to approve the quote and repair work in the amount if 7,500 by Triad Electric                                           CARRIED.
d)     Keys – KDM to contact Manal when Handyman is coming out to do the repairs on L16 so the keys can be put into the Lock Box.
e)     Decks – Tabled at this time
f)       KDM Paperless – Tabled at this time
g)     Bylaws – Have been registered at land titles and distributed to all Owners that have email.  Hania and Manal to deliver to the units not on the email list.

a)     Financial Report
a.       YTD Reports

b.       Cheque signing – Cheque's and cheque register were signed.

c.       MOTION by Grant McCargar, SECONDED by Manal El Husseiny to approve the March, and April Financials for information only.                                         CARRIED.

d.      MOTION by Grant McCargar SECONDED by Hania Kura to move 36,226.68 from Reserve Fund Projection to the Reserve Fund.                                          CARRIED.

e.      April 2014 the assets for the Corporation were;
Operating Account – 33,364.75
Reserve Fund Account – 37,629.40
YTD Reserve Projection – 36,226.68
GIC – 76,555.27

 9.      New Business –
a.      Resignation – MOTION by Hrishikesh Adhikari SECONDED by Lorraine Wilson to accept Ed Peytons resignation from the Board.   CARRIED.
b.      Treasurer – Grant McCargar has officially resigned as Treasurer for the Board
c.       New Board Member – Barry Lofto joins us with many years of experience with condo boards and financials.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Lorraine Wilson to appoint Barry Lofto to the board.                                                                                                         CARRIED.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Manal El Husseiny to appoint Barry Lofto as Treasurer for the Corporation.
d.       Lights – Lights are out on B3 and Umbrella lights between B3-B2.  Grant has been in communication with Triad to restore the lights and to install heat tape in the downspouts on the south west corner of B3.  This work is to be done while they are out fixing the underground wires for the car plugs.

10.   Next Meeting:  June 24th, 2014.  Hania #204 2916 105A Street

11.   Adjournment: MOTION by Manal El Hussieny to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.  CARRIED.


June 24th, 6:30pm
# 204 2916 105A Street

PRESENT:         Grant McCargar
                Hania Kura
Manal El Husseiny
Hrishikesh Adhikari
Barry Lofto
Deryl Ibbotson KDM
1.       Quorum established with 5 of 6 members present

2.        Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.       Call to order: 6:30 p.m.

4.       Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Barry Lofto, SECONDED by Hania Kura to approve agenda as amended.                                                                                     CARRIED.

5.       Approval of Minutes of May 27th: 2014 MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Hrishikesh Adhikari.                                                                                                                     CARRIED.  

6.       Property Directors Report:
       Manal El Husseiny
a)       B1 and B5 Doors not closing properly, finish work in  L16 all to be sent to the Handyman.
b)     All Weather windows to replace door in B3 102. KDM to follow up.
c)      Follow up with handyman about repairs to Barry’s suite. KDM to follow up.
d)     Intercom in B2 not Working KDM to follow up.
e)      Hania to send a list of all the balconies that need to be cleaned to KDM.

7.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:
a)     Litigation – Ongoing.
b)     Windows – KDM is still working on trying to try and have All Weather Windows out to fix the garden door.  KDM may have to set up a meeting with All Weather to come up with a solution.                   
c)      Fence – Triad electric has finished the repair to the electrical lines. Phoenix Fencing was to begin on the fence repair June 25, 2014.
d)     Keys – KDM to contact Manal when Handyman is coming out to do the repairs on L16 so the keys can be put into the Lock Box.
e)     Decks – Tabled at this time
f)       KDM Paperless – Grant advised that Legal Counsel advice was that it was okay to go paperless.
MOTION  by Barry Lofto, SECONDED by Hania Kura to go paperless.
g)     Bylaws – Have been registered at land titles and distributed to all Owners that have email.  Hania and Manal to deliver to the units not on the email list.

a)     Financial Report
a.       YTD Reports. Where is Special Assessment Recorded?

b.       Cheque signing – Cheque's and cheque register were signed except Integra Cheque which KDM is to check on..

c.       Holdback for weeping tile should show up as a liability.

d.      MOTION by Grant McCargar, SECONDED by Manal El Husseiny to approve the May Financials for information only.                                      CARRIED.

e.      MOTION by Grant McCargar SECONDED by Hania Kura to move 36,226.68 from Reserve Fund Projection to the Reserve Fund.                                          CARRIED.

f.        May  2014 the assets for the Corporation were;
Operating Account – 33,364.75
Reserve Fund Account – 37,629.40
YTD Reserve Projection – 36,226.68
GIC – 76,555.27

8.      New Business –
a.      New Board Member – Barry Lofto joins us with many years of experience with condo boards and financials.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Lorraine Wilson to appoint Barry Lofto to the board.                                                                                                         CARRIED.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Manal El Husseiny to appoint Barry Lofto as Treasurer for the Corporation.
b.       Lights – Lights are out on B3 and Umbrella lights between B3-B2.  Grant has been in communication with Triad to restore the lights and to install heat tape in the downspouts on the south west corner of B3.  This work is to be done while they are out fixing the underground wires for the car plugs.
c.       Interest on Special Assessment to Commence July1, 2014.
d.       Renovation request and pet request for B1 204 approved.
e.       Manal given board approval to put up sign RE: bottle Drive.
f.        New Owner Information to be Sent to Grant.

9.       Next Meeting:  July 21st, 2014.  Hania #204 2916 105A Street

10.   Adjournment: MOTION by Manal El Hussieny to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.  CARRIED.

                                                                                                                        July 22st, 2014
# 204  2916 105A Street

PRESENT:         Grant McCargar
                Hania Kura
Manal El Husseiny
Barry Lofto
Lorraine Wilson
Deryl Ibbotson KDM
1.      Quorum established with 5 of 6 members present

2.       Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.      Call to order: 6:45 p.m.

4.      Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Hania Kura, SECONDED by Manal El Husseiny to approve as amended.                                           CARRIED.
5.      Approval of Minutes of June 24th, 2014 MOTION by Manal El Husseiny SECONDED by Hania.                                                                                  CARRIED.                                                                                      

6.      Property Directors Report:
       Manal El Husseiny
a)       B1 and B5 Doors not closing properly. Work to be finished in L16.
b)     All Weather Windows to replace patio door in B3 102. KDM to follow up.
c)      KDM to follow up with handyman about repairs to Barry’s suite.
d)     Intercom in B2 was serviced. However still occasionally does not seem to work properly. Manal to monitor.
e)      Hania to send a list of all the balconies that need to be cleaned to KDM.
f)       Carpet cleaning
g)      Parking lot sweep.
h)     Manal is to advise where cleaning supplies are to be purchased.
i)       Vacuum cleaner bags to be supplied by the caretaker. while large garbage bags and light bulbs to be supplied by Kaskitayo House.

7.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:
a)     Litigation – Ongoing. Grant advised that they will be entering Patricia’s suite on August 6th.
b)     Windows – KDM is to follow up with All Weather Windows on the replacement of the patio door.
c)      Fence – Done.
d)     Keys – KDM to contact Manal when Handyman is coming out to do the repairs on L16 so the keys can be put into the Lock Box.
e)     Decks – Tabled until spring .Specs to be done in November.
f)       Weeping Tile- Final landscaping inspection to be done. Morrison Hershfield to approve. Site survey will be required before making more payments.
g)     Parking lot Plug ins- The electricians should be able to work on the parking lot plug ins while they are hot.
h)     Fence- Phoenix  have repaired the fence

10. Financial Statements:.
a)     Financial Report
a.       Cheque signing – Cheque's and cheque register were signed.
b.       Holdback for weeping tile should show up as a liability.

MOTION by Grant McCargar, SECONDED by Manal El Husseiny to approve the June Financials for information only.                                      CARRIED.

c.       July 2014  the assets for the Corporation were;
Operating Account – 42,683.24
Reserve Fund Account 99931.20

8.      New Business –

9.      Next Meeting:  August 26, 2014 @Hania’s @ 6:30

September 23, 2014

1.       The Meeting called to order at 8:00 pm by Grant McCargar, President of Kaskitayo House who also chaired the meeting.

2.       Motion:  by Grant McCargar, Seconded by Manal El Husseiny, to accept the resignations of board members, Lorraine Wilson and Hrishekish Adhikari.

3.            Election of Officers
President:                           Grant McCargar
Vice President:                 Manal El Husseiny
Secretary:                           Alfredo Aburto
Treasurer: l                         Joan McCargar
Property Director:           Brandon Nolin-Allan
Property Director:           Hania Kura
Bylaw Director:                 Thera Roudsepp

Motion: by Brandin Nolin-Allan, Seconded by Hania Kura, to accept the officers as outlined. CARRIED

Motion: by Grant McCargar, Seconded byManal El Husseiny, that Brandon Nolin-Allan, Thera Roudsepp, Alfredo Aburto and Hania Kura will have signing authority with two people to sign all cheques. CARRIED

4..           Banking Resolution
A.            Banking Documents - Completed
B.            Signing officers - Completed
C.            Board Member information – Completed
D.            FORM 8 – Completed

5.            The date for the next meeting will be October 21, 2014, at 6:30 pm. at the home of Hania Kura, B5, unit 204.

6..           Motion: by Grant McCargar that the meeting stand adjourned at 8:40 pm.

# 204  2916 105A Street
Held:  Monday, October 27, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

Joan McCargar                  Treasurer
Alfredo Aburto                 Secretary
Hania Kura                          Property Director
Brandon Nolin-Allan       Property Director
Thera Raudsepp               Bylaw Director  
Grant McCargar                                President
Manal El Husseiny            Vice President

Guests:                                Laura Blaikie, Property Manager, KDM Management

1.       CALL TO ORDER
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Laura Blaikie. 
There being no objection Laura Blaikie acted as chairman.

3.       QUORUM
There was a quorum present 5/7.

MOTION: by Alfredo Aburto, SECONDED: by Brandon Nolin-Allan

5.       APPROVAL OF MINUTES for September 23, 2014. 
MOTION: by Brandon Nolin-Allan SECONDED: by Thera Raudsepp, with one noted correction to the spelling of Thera Raudsepp’s name.  


a)      Litigation Update:  Tabled
b)      Patio Door Replacement:  KDM is to follow up on replacement for B3-102.
c)       New Washing Machine: 
MOTION: by Hania Kura, SECONDED: by Brandon Nolin-Allan to approve the Key Refrigeration quote for the new front-loading washing machine for B5 Second floor laundry room. KDM followed up about a top-loading machine and there would have been no cost savings.
a)      Approval of Financial Statements:   Financial statements were accepted as presented.
Summary for end of Sept 2014:           Operating Cash Balance -              $53,267.72
                                                       Reserve Fund Balance -                 $76,658.00

b)      Board information required:
·         2 NSFs charged in September – what is the NSF charge amount?
·         $800 in AR Other account, what is this for?
·         Door and Lock account for 2014.  Board believes these are not all of the charges. 

c)       A GIC matured on Sept 17th and has not been reinvested. Once signing authority is confirmed with the bank two board members to review investment options and report back to the board. The matured GIC is currently sitting in the reserve fund cash account.

d)      Cheque Register to be e-mailed to Joan McCargar.

e)      Cheques were signed, but Board members have not completed signing authorization.  KDM is to resend banking instruction.  Cheque to be held until completed. E-mail cheque copies to Grant McCargar for final payment approval.

f)       Arrears:  4 owners are in arrears over 90 days. KDM explained the standard process for arrears collection.  Check that those units whose account is over 90 days has been sent a demand letter, and if so, place caveat.  If demand not sent, send demand.

g)      Budget 2015:  E-mail amended copy to Board for final approval.

a)      Laundry Tokens: All providers of laundry tokens are to ensure that a notice is posted in each laundry room advising residents as to how they can purchase tokens.
b)      Hose Bib Repair Unit #26 in B4:  A common area hose bib that is located in this furnace room froze and split last winter.  It was disabled, but the owner was advised that EPCOR would have to attend to shut off the water for a final repair.  KDM is to have a plumber contact the owner to facilitate this final repair.
c)       Leak 38/48 B5:  Unit 48’s washing machine flooded the furnace room of unit 38.  A restoration company is currently reviewing the damages.  No insurance claim will be made until costs are known to exceed the deductible.  All repair costs will be borne by Unit 48.
a)      Decks – Tabled to Spring

11.      ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m.

# 204, 2916 105A Street
Held:  Monday, November 24, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

Grant McCargar                                President
Joan McCargar                  Treasurer
Alfredo Aburto                 Secretary
Hania Kura                          Property Director
Brandon Nolin-Allan       Property Director            
Manal El Husseiny            Vice President
Thera Raudsepp               Bylaw Director

Guests:                                Laura Blaikie, Property Manager, KDM Management
1.       CALL TO ORDER
The meeting was called to order at 6:50 p.m. by Grant McCargar.

There being no objection Grant McCargar acted as chairman.

3.       QUORUM
There was a quorum present 5/7.

Grant McCargar proposed some additions to the meeting agenda (attached).
MOTION: by Brandon Nolin-Allan, SECONDED: by Hania Kura to accept the amended agenda.

5.       APPROVAL OF MINUTES for October 27, 2014. 
MOTION: by Joan McCargar SECONDED: by Brandon Nolin-Allan, with one noted correction to the spelling of Key Refrigeration.  

a)      Brandon Nolin-Allan (B1/B2): No report
b)      Hania Kura (B3/B4/B5): The list of items requiring follow up by KDM has been completed. KDM requires Front Door keys to be available for contractors. The keys should be in a lock box which will be confirmed by Laura Blaikie.


a)      Litigation Update:  Grant McCargar sent an update to the Board Members via e-mail. Grant McCargar to forward the correspondence to Laura Blaikie.
b)      Patio Door Replacement for Unit 34:  All Weather Windows has not responded to any requests regarding the patio doors. Laura Blaikie to obtain a quote for a new door from a different vendor.
c)       Weeping Tiles:  Demolition of the patio in Unit 28 has been completed and the weeping tile repair is done. The Board is waiting for Morrison Hershfield to approve the final grading before Emcee Construction can be paid.
d)      New Washing Machine:  A top-load washing machine was installed despite the Board approving a front-load washer. No further action is required as the top-load washing machine was cheaper.
e)      Laundry Tokens Distribution:  Laundry tokens are being sold by Lorraine Wilson in B1/B2, Charlene Ball in B3, and Hania Kura in B4/B5.
f)       August 26th Board Meeting Minutes:  The minutes for the board meeting on August 26th are missing. Due to a change in personnel within KDM, the minutes have been misplaced and are unavailable.
g)      Auditor Client Representative Letter:  The letter has been signed and returned to the Auditor.


a)      Approval of Financial Statements:   Financial statements were accepted as presented.
Summary for end of Oct 2014:            Operating Cash Balance -                $21,571.47
                                                                        Reserve Fund Balance -                 $154,581.95
                                                                        YTD Reserve Projection -                 $18,113.34
b)      Arrears:  Owners in arrears have been contacted. Statements and demand letters have been sent but costs associated with caveats and legal fees will be more than the amounts owing. Unit 11 has an outstanding balance of $0.84. Joan McCargar to send an e-mail to Laura Blaikie directing that this balance be cancelled. Unit 36 has arrears related to a storage unit rental to a tenant. Clarification was given that Owners are responsible for paying for any parking stall and storage room rentals and that the Corporation does not deal directly with tenants.
c)       Charge Backs:  Charge backs should not be listed as Income but should be credited against the related Operating Expense.
d)      Cheque Register:  Grant McCargar explained the invoices related to the cheque register. Since no one had issues with the cheque register, the cheques were signed.
e)      GIC:  The matured GIC is currently sitting in the reserve fund cash account.
MOTION: by Grant McCargar, SECONDED: by Hania Kura to invest $81,000 in a 1-year non-redeemable GIC at a financial institution to be determined.
f)       Budget 2015:  Joan McCargar has sent the 2015 Budget to the Board Members for approval.
MOTION: by Joan McCargar, SECONDED: by Hania Kura to approve the 2015 Budget as presented.


a)      Hose Bib Repair Unit 26 in B4:  Contractor indicated that a new pipe from the valve in the furnace room to the hose bib would freeze again unless it were heat traced. A new electrical outlet would be required in the furnace room.
MOTION: by Brandon Nolin-Allan, SECONDED: by Hania Kura to abandon the common property hose bib in the Unit 26 furnace room. Alfredo Aburto to tag the pipe explaining the reason for abandonment.
b)      Leak 38/48 B5:  The invoice for the emergency repair work has been approved and the cheque has been signed. The quote for the remediation work has been received. The Corporation may have to pay the bill and charge back the Unit 48 Owner. Grant McCargar cautioned that the operating account may not have enough money to pay this bill.
c)       Contractor List:  Laura Blaikie to send the contractor list to the Board for verification.
d)      Pest Infestation in Unit 45:  A bed bug infestation has been found in Unit 45. Inspections have been scheduled for adjacent units. The protocol is that if a source of the infestation is found in another unit then the owner of that unit will be charged for the pest control and the inspections. If no other infestation is found the Owner of Unit 45 will be charged for the inspections to the other units.
e)      Snow Removal / Landscaping Contract:  All-Star has provided a quote for services with differing levels of service and options.
MOTION: by Hania Kura, SECONDED: by Brandon Nolin-Allan to enter into a contract for the Standard landscaping package and the basic winter package with no premium services.
f)       Chimney Inspections:  Because of the recent snowfall it is too late to book an annual chimney inspection. Laura Blaikie to get a quote from Chim Chimney for an inspection as early in 2015 as possible.
g)      Fire Inspection:  Laura Blaikie to book Top Fire Safety for the annual fire inspection.
h)      Ceiling Painting Request for Unit 45:   The ceiling in Unit 45 has some water stains due to a leak in the roof. The Corporation will pay to touch up the stained portion of the ceiling only. Unit 45 Owner has obtained a quote to paint and touch up the ceiling. Laura Blaikie to follow up on this quote.
i)        Contractor Contacts to Board Members:  Laura Blaikie will be the go-between for communication between contractors and board members. Board members will not be contacted directly by contractors.
j)        Property Manager Direction for the Board:  Property Directors to deal directly with Laura Blaikie for any repair requests and work to be given to contractors.
k)      Paint Colours for the Exterior:  The remaining wood siding was planned to be replaced with vinyl siding, though this siding is not damaged and can be painted instead. Laura Blaikie to get a budgetary quote to paint the wood siding in either the light or dark colour to match the vinyl siding.

MOTION: by Brandon Nolin-Allan, SECONDED: by Hania Kura to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m.

#101, 2912 105A Street
Held:  Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

Grant McCargar                                President
Manal El Husseiny            Vice President
Joan McCargar                  Treasurer
Alfredo Aburto                 Secretary
Hania Kura                          Property Director
Brandon Nolin-Allan       Property Director
Thera Raudsepp               Bylaw Director

Guests:                                Laura Blaikie, Property Manager, KDM Management
1.       CALL TO ORDER
The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. by Grant McCargar.

There was a quorum present: 5/7. There being no objection Grant McCargar acted as chairman.

Grant McCargar proposed some additions to the meeting agenda (attached).
MOTION: by Hania Kura, SECONDED: by Alfredo Aburto to accept the amended agenda.

4.       APPROVAL OF MINUTES for November 24, 2014. 
MOTION: by Joan McCargar SECONDED: by Hania Kura.  


a)      Approval of Financial Statements:   Financial statements were accepted as presented.
Summary for end of Nov 2014:           Operating Cash Balance -                $27,628.94
                                                                        Reserve Fund Balance -                   $87,475.00
b)      GIC:  A 1-year non-redeemable GIC has been purchased for $81,000. It will mature on December 1, 2015 with 1.55% interest at maturity. Cash on hand after the GIC was purchased is $68,085 at the end of November 2014.
c)       Cheque Register:  Joan McCargar requested more information for a charge of $519.75 under grounds maintenance. Laura will check with the accountant.
d)      Audit Update:  The report is outstanding. Laura Blaikie will look into this.


a)      Litigation Update:  Nothing to report.
b)      Patio Door Replacement for Unit 34:  Ongoing.
c)       Weeping Tiles:  Tabled.
d)      Hose Bib Repair Unit 26 in B4:  The repair was completed by Rainbow Restoration, despite their previous assertion that there was no point in carrying out the repair without installing heat tracing on the new line.
e)      Leak 38/48 B5:  All leaks and frozen pipes are being dealt with and will be charged back to the Unit 48 owner.
f)       Fire Inspection:  Completed.
g)      Ceiling Painting Request for Unit 45:  Still awaiting the painting quote from the Unit 45 owner.
h)      Contractor List: List was reviewed and approved.
i)        Pest Control Update: Eco Pest has been to numerous suites in B3. Unit 35 (suspected source) was cooperative with the treatment. Treatments scheduled for Units 25 and 45 in B3. Common areas in B3 have been treated. Eco Pest would like to inspect Unit 26 in B4 because it is adjacent to Unit 25 in B3. Grant McCargar suggested to check with Eco Pest if an inspection is needed because there is a concrete block firewall between B3 and B4. Laura to forward any reports from Eco Pest.

a)      Brandon Nolin-Allan (B1/B2): Absent
b)      Hania Kura (B3/B4/B5): The volume of the intercom in B3 is too low.


a)      Rental Parking Request:  Hania Kura will administer the parking lot assignments and will let Thera Raudsepp know which stalls are rented so that she can monitor them as the bylaw director. Grant McCargar will send out the latest parking lot map. Laura Blaikie to send out a contractor to post signage in the parking lot once Grant indicates where the signs should be.
b)      Parking Lot Plug-Ins:  All of the parking lot plug-ins have been wired incorrectly to the wrong units when the stumps were raised. Electricians to be sent out to rotate the stumps so that the plug-ins facing each parking stall are wired to the correct unit.
c)       Mailbox Break-in in B2:  Someone broke into the mailboxes in B2 and some are damaged and cannot be closed. The frame around the entire mailbox also looks to be broken and may need to be fixed. Laura Blaikie to send a locksmith to look at the mailbox frame and provide a recommendation. If only the individual mailboxes need to be fixed then that is the responsibility of each individual owner. Hania Kura will send an old quote for new mailboxes that she had previously received.


MOTION: by Hania Kura, SECONDED: by Alfredo Aburto to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.

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