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2013 Board Minutes

January 22, 2013
B4 - 302 2912 - 105A St.

1.                   CALL TO ORDER:  Called to order at 6:35 by Grant McCargar.

2.                   ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN:  Grant McCargar was elected to Chair.

3.                   PRESENT:                     Grant McCargar (by telecom)
Rose Kody
Charlene Ball
Hania Kura
Kent Sutherland
Clare Pasterfield
Monica Kozak (KDM)
Mary Harding (KDM) (taking minutes)

4.                   ABSENT W/REGRETS:             Jason Lorenz

5.                   QUORUM:  Quorum was achieved with 6 of 7 present

6.                   APPROVAL/ADDITIONS OF AGENDA:  MOTION: to approve agenda as amended: Charlene. Second: Kent.  CARRIED.

7.                   APPROVAL/AMENDMENTS OF MINUTES: November 27, 2012. MOTION:  To approve minutes of Nov. 27, 2012 as amended.  Second:   CARRIED.

8.                   PROPERTY DIRECTORS REPORT:  Hania provided a review and update of Shiba Contracting proposed work, list of deficiencies to attend to.  ACTIONS:  (1) KDM to request monthly reports (with hours and which days they are at Kaskitayo) and monthly invoices from Shiba Contracting; (2) KDM to look for contractors to bid on handyman and custodial work combined.

9.                   OLD BUSINESS:
a.    Litigation - ongoing
b.    Fire Inspection Deficiency – Top Fire  Safety corrected deficiencies in B2-B4, did not do B1.  ACTION:  KDM to get them back to correct deficiencies in B1.
c.  Windows & Doors – Jason Lorenz was to follow with the owners to check on their satisfaction with the repairs reported on by All Reach. This has not been done. TABLED
d.    Lock Boxes -  purchased by Hania and Clare.
e.    Sand Plastic Bins – purchased by Hania and Clare and placed near the building entrances.
f.     Excel Crawlspace Inspection – KDM requested quote from Excel – Excel is unable to provide a quote as they do not do the work they recommended.
g.    (L49) B5 –304 – Repaired by Magic Wand – only did walls.  KDM to contact owner to confirm if finished.
h.  Reserve Fund Plan update – Hania and Clare to work on drafting the 5-year reserve fund plan.
i. Special Resolution for electronic attendance.  Has not been done.  Based on the following information provided by our lawyer:
Alberta Corporations Act,
Meetings of Directors
114(1)  Unless the articles otherwise provide, the directors may meet at any place and on any notice the bylaws require. . . .
114(9)  A director may participate in a meeting of directors or of a committee of directors by electronic means, telephone or other communication facilities that permit all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other if
(a)    the bylaws so provide, or
(b)   subject to the bylaws, all the directors of the corporation consent, and a director participating in a meeting by those means is deemed for the purposes of this Act to be present at that meeting.
MOTION by: Charlene  Seconded by: Rose to consent to board members participating in meetings by electronic means, and amend the bylaw to reflect this as part of the planned overall revision of bylaws. CARRIED.
j.  Reflective tape on parking lot entrance signs – done.
k. Compensation for heating crawlspaces – was paid to owners in December, 2012.
l. No soliciting signs - done
m. Information meeting.  MOTION by :  Seconded by:   to hold an information meeting for owners tentatively on April 8, 2013 subject to availability of venue. CARRIED.  ACTION:  Mary to confirm venue (Church of the Nazarene).  Once venue, date and time are confirmed a notice will be sent to owners.

10.               FINANCIAL REPORT:              
a.       Approval of financial Statements – November and December 2012 – MOTION:  To approve for information only.  Second: 
b.      Approval of check register
c.       Check signing

11.               NEW BUSINESS:
a.       Furnace Room Vents – Mechanical company recommends covering/sleeve.  ACTION:  Shiba to check and cover up if needed.
b.      Emcee Quote – MOTION by: Hania  Second by: Rose.   To award contract to Emcee Construction subject to acceptable start and finish dates (finish by June 2013).
c.       Siding Quotes –  MOTION by: Rose; Second by: Hania.  In principle to award contract to First Choice Siding for the stucco replacement.  CARRIED.
d.      Insurance Renewal – KDM to get quotes.
e.      Royal Insurance – Legal Fees – KDM to invoice for 2012 legal fees.
f.        Parking agreement – agreements have to be made with owners, not tenants.
g.       Funds held in trust – ACTION:  KDM to advise owners that funds are considered in arrears until received in our account.
h.      Letter re ATCO – Meters are being changed, owners are to contact ATCO to schedule.


13.               DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  February 26, 2013
a.       Location: 204- 2916-105A Street.

14.               ADJOURNMENT:  9:30


Approved Special Board Meeting Minutes
January 31, 2013

PRESENT:      Grant McCargar                       President  (By Telecom)
                        Rose Kody                               Treasurer
Charlene Ball                           Secretary
Hania Kura                              Property Director
Clare Pasterfield                      Property Director

1.      CALL TO ORDER:
The meeting was called to order at 7:55 PM by Grant McCargar.

2.      QUORUM:
There was a quorum present pursuant to bylaw section 6; 5 of the 7 members were present.

MOTION by Rose Kody and SECONDED by Clare Pasterfield to purchase insurance coverage with Hub from Feb. 2013 through Oct. 2014 to be ratified at the next board meeting.  CARRIED.

4.      SIDING:
MOTION by Rose Kody and SECONDED by Clare Pasterfield to switch from Journeyman siding to Woodland siding at $9,000.00 upcharge for 2013, and $14,000.00 upcharge for 2014 ($23,000.00 total) to be ratified at the next board meeting.  CARRIED.

Color selections subject to availability:
Shingles: Driftwood
Fascia, eaves and downspouts: Sand
Siding to replace stucco, wood, and aluminum siding: Sand
Corners: Sand
Accents at second and third floor balcony levels: Brownstone

MOTIONED by Grant McCargar that the meeting be adjourned at 8:04 p.m.


FEBRUARY 26, 2013

PRESENT:             Grant McCargar (by telecom)
                Rose Kody
Charlene Ball
Hania Kura
Kent Sutherland
Clare Pasterfield
Mary Harding (KDM)

1.      Quorum established with 6 of 7 members present

2.       Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.      Call to order: 6:32 p.m.
4.      Guests and delegations: none

5.      Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Hania, Second by Rose to approve agenda as amended.  CARRIED.

6.      Approval of Minutes: Jan. 22, 2013 and Jan. 31, 2013.  MOTION by Hania, Second by Clare to approve minutes of Jan. 22, 2013.  CARRIED.   MOTION by Rose, Second by Hania to approve minutes of Jan. 31/13.  CARRIED.

7.      Property Directors Report:  Clare gave verbal report (all outside lights off); Hania gave verbal report (Starbrite janitorial service has not been here at all; B5 door lock replaced; parking stall rental requests to go through KDM & coordinated with bylaw director; request for letter to owner and tenant of L35 re 3 unregistered cats, smell in hallway, plus spilled paint on storage room door and carpet).

8.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:

a.      Windows and doors – Ongoing/partially completed – Grant sent letters asking owners to update on status. L07, L31, L34, L40 still outstanding. 

b.      Litigation – Ongoing

c.       Snow Removal - Snow piled near buildings / Board to report

d.      Water damage - L15 tenant mould report rec’d from owner. Completed

e.      L25 - Furnace room key.  Completed

f.        L51 - Owner to advise owner deadline to complete water damage repairs extended to April 30, 2013.

g.      L31 - Pet feces, second letter sent to owner.  Tenants have moved. Completed

h.      B3 Water damage - Repairs/Corporation Insurance Claim (Belfor). Completed.

i.        Information Meeting - Letter to be mailed to all owners by Friday, Mar. 1, 2013.

j.        Water leak – (L16) – TABLED.

k.      January 31, 2013 meeting.  MOTION by Rose, Second by Clare to ratify the motions from January 31, 2013 meeting.  CARRIED.

9.      Correspondence

a.      Chimney recommendations:  L1 & L8 – Completed.  ACTION:  KDM to have inspections done by Chim Chimney in June.

b.      L51 - Water damage/repairs deadline extended to April 30, 2013 (see 7.f).

c.       L54: Request for renovations approval (enclosed).  ACTION:  KDM to advise owner f requirements.

d.      L36: Request for laundry installation in unit (enclosed).  ACTION: KDM to advise owner of requirements.

e.      L11: Request for payment plan re: special assessment (enclosed). Not approved. ACTION:  KDM to advise owner and provide information on alternative financing options.

f.        L38: Request for renovations approval – backdated from September 1, 2012 (enclosed). ACTION:  KDM to send letter of approval.

g.      L6 & L20: Trust account funds are to be remitted to Condominium Plan No. 782 2678 c/o KDM. (enclosed)

h.      L7, L34 L40, L41 (as above): Owners to make arrangements with All Reach Glass for technician to carry out repairs.

10.  Financial Report
a.      YTD Reports

b.      Arrears & Caveats: ACTION: KDM to send letters to owners and mortgagors of units in arrears giving final notice of intent to place caveats.

c.       Cheque signing

d.      Royal insurance legal fees – ACTION: KDM to follow up on invoice sent

MOTION by Rose, Second by Kent to accept financials for info only.  CARRIED.

11.  New Business
a.      Board Approval: Information meeting letter from KDM (enclosed) (see 8.i above).

b.      Gas Leak: First Choice Siding knocked loose a gas main, ATCO and fire department on site. ATCO to supply a written invoice confirming all furnaces are operational following the incident with respect to liability. Complete.

First Choice has built boxes to protect the gas pipes and meters.

c.       B5 Lock: Complete.

d.      Quotes: Cleaning & Handyman:
1.      Roland’s Janitorial Service (enclosed) ($2500/mo for handyman & cleaning) – to be hired on as needed basis $30/hr based on weekly list of jobs
2.      Ms. True Clean (enclosed) $1000/mo for 1 day/mo; $1200/mo for 2 days/mo
3.      Pure ‘n’ Clean Janitorial (enclosed) $1400/mo (has had no contract with KDM)
ACTION: Further Discussion Required

e.      Shiba Contracting: Final invoice issued for Feb. 28, 2013.  Parting on very amicable terms.

f.        B-2 - Key Refrigeration. Repair of washing machine on 2nd floor. Completed.

g.      L10 Kitchen Fire: owner/tenant insurance issue.

First Choice Siding Quote for Plywood Invoice #10275.  Project has increased in expense. Billy Huet is required to be on site often as this project progresses and provide written approval to Rick to proceed with work pursuant to the Quote to ensure quality of workmanship and building code is being complied with. The role of Billy is to ensure that every project and it’s process is being monitored and signed off.
ACTION:  Grant to consult with Morrison Hershfield with respect to project management and follow up with First Choice Siding. 
ACTION:  KDM to get another quote on eaves troughs and get quotes on soffits.

12.  Next Meeting:  March 26, 2013. Location: Unit 204, 2916 – 105A St.

13.  Adjournment: MOTION by Kent  to adjourn at 9:40 p.m.  CARRIED.


March 26th, 2013
UNIT 204, 2916 – 105A STREET

PRESENT:             Grant McCargar (by telecom)
                Rose Kody
Hania Kura
Kent Sutherland
Clare Pasterfield
Jason Lorenz (by telecom)
Brittany Durelle KDM
1.      Quorum established with 6 of 6 members present

2.       Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.      Call to order: 6:35 p.m.
4.      Guests and delegations: none

5.      Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Hania Kura, SECONDED by Rose Kody to approve agenda as amended.  CARRIED.

6.      Approval of Minutes:  Dated February 26th, 2013MOTION by Kent Sutherland, SECONDED by Hania Kura to approve minutes of February 26th, 2013.  CARRIED.  

7.      Property Directors Report:
 Clare Pasterfield verbal report;
a)      B1 - Thermostat for the heater at the front of building has no cover.  KDM to hire a Contractor to come out and put a cover on so that people cannot change the heat settings.
b)      B1 – KDM to get 3 more No Fire Door signs. 
c)       B2 – Light burnt out in the second floor front hallway.
d)      Noted that some residents were having a problem with vandalism in the parking lot.

Hania Kura verbal report;
a)      Noted that the snow removal was done.  They did not uncover the drains and left quite a bit of build-up in the parking lot.  KDM to contact the company.
b)      B3 – Laundry room lights are out.
c)       B5 – The laundry room on the second floor is having electrical problems.  When the fan gets turned on the lights start blinking on and off.  KDM to get a Contractor out to fix the problem.
d)      B5 – Light out on 3rd floor.
e)      B5 – Door stopper on the 3rd floor was put in the wrong way.  KDM to get someone out to fix this.
f)       B4 – Back stairwell light is out.

8.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:
a)      Litigation – Lawyer to attend a meeting with the entire board present. Date for the meeting will be Monday April 29th at 7:30.  The regular Board meeting will be held beforehand starting at 6:30pm.
b)     Fire Inspection Deficiency – Signs are needed to be put up on the doors.  KDM to obtain the No Fire Door Signs.
c)      Windows – Grant to work with KDM regarding windows that still need to be fixed.
d)     Excel Crawlspace Inspection – Done
e)      L49 – KDM to contact Owners regarding the carpet in the unit.  KDM to get a Contractor out to inspect.  If there is mold Corporation will replace.  If no mold is found then they will steam clean the existing carpet.
f)       Chimney Inspections – KDM to book Chim Chimney to come out around June, once the snow melts and the roof is done.

e)      Financial Report
a.      YTD Reports

b.      Arrears & Caveats: ACTION: KDM to send letters to owners and mortgagors of units in arrears for the special assessment giving final notice of intent to place caveats and foreclosure.

c.       Cheque signing
Cheque #135 for Dial Locksmith to be charged back to L29
Cheque for Star Brite Janitorial is being held back until there is an improvement to the service.

MOTION by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Hania Kura to accept financials for info only.  CARRIED.
d.      Auditor – MOTION by Rose Kody to accept the quote for the audit in the amount of $1,680 from Cass & Fraser SECONDED by Clare Pasterfield CARRIED.

9.      New Business
a)      Furnace Room – At this time the Board is waiting for more info.
b)     Emcee Quote – Signed letter of intent.  On the original site plan Kaskitayo House had gravel where the sod is.  Grant to get quotes for both sod and gravel.
c)      Insurance Renewal – New insurance was presented to the Board.  Grant to email out the copies to the Owners.
d)     Royal Insurance – Royal Insurance is to pay half of the legal fees.  KDM to look at what the status of the invoice is. 
e)      Charlene Ball Letter of Resignation – MOTION by Rose Kody to accepted Charlene Ball’s letter of resignation SECONDED by Kent Sutherland CARRIED.
f)       Bylaw Revision – Board discussed the special resolution for the Bylaws.  KDM to clarify if we can have 4 separate resolutions on one page or if we would have to send them out all separately.   KDM to get the resolutions made up and sent out before the information meeting. 
MOTION by Kent Sutherland to accept the 4 changes to the clauses in the bylaws SECONDED by Hania Kura CARRIED.

10.  Correspondence –
a)      L51 – KDM to find out if a letter was sent regarding the renovations that need to be completed in the suite.  If one was not done KDM to make up a notice and send to Hania for approval.
b)     Letter from L33 – Letter was discussed regarding partial payment and the waving of interest.  The Corporation cannot accept partial payment and in the bylaws it states interest must be charged on all arrears.

11.  Next Meeting:  April 29th, 2013. Location: To be determined

12.  Adjournment: MOTION by Kent to adjourn at 9:30 p.m.  CARRIED.


April 15th, 2013
UNIT 204, 2916 – 105A STREET

PRESENT:             Grant McCargar (by telecom)
                Rose Kody
Hania Kura
Kent Sutherland
Clare Pasterfield
Brittany Durelle KDM
1.      Quorum established with 5 of 5 members present

2.       Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.      Call to order: 6:34 p.m.
4.      Guests and delegations: Brian from Field Law

5.      Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Kent Sutherland, SECONDED by Hania Kura to approve agenda as amended.  CARRIED.

6.      Approval of Minutes:  Dated March 26th, 2013 MOTION by Clare Sutherland, SECONDED by Rose Kody to approve minutes of March 26th, 2013.  CARRIED.  

7.      Property Directors Report:
 Clare Pasterfield verbal report;
a)      The address signs are hard to read and faded on Buildings 1 and 2.  Hania will cut vinyl numbers for the address on all buildings and put them on the inside windows.  The numbers are to be black.

Hania Kura verbal report;
a)      Nothing to report at this time.

8.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:
a)      Litigation – Brian from Field Law came and spoke to the Board regarding the ongoing Lawsuit.
b)     Fire Inspection Deficiency – Signs were brought to the board.
c)      Windows – Grant to work with KDM regarding windows that still need to be fixed.
d)     L49 – Crystal Carpet Care is setting up a time with the owner to go into the unit and inspect the carpet.  The carpet will be replaced if mould is found.  If there is no mould then Crystal Carpet Care will steam clean the carpets.
e)      Chimney Inspections – KDM to book Chim Chimney to come out around June, once the snow melts and the roof is done.
f)       Furnace Room Vents – Done
g)      Royal Insurance – Emails have been sent and no reply to date.  Grant is going to call Royal Insurance as a follow up.
h)     Janitor – New janitor has started the initial clean-up of all the buildings.  Hania will follow up with the new Janitor too see how progress is going.
i)        Handyman – KDM to contact the Handyman and have a quote made up and put into place that both the Handyman and the Board signs regarding cost per hour and scope of work.  WCB and Insurance to be sent into KDM.
j)        Info Meeting – The information meeting has been changed to May 13th 7:00pm
k)      Shed – Quote from First Choice was to completely build a new shed and it was in the amount of 3,200.  First Choice will charge an extra 300 dollars to demolish and haul away the old shed.  KDM to email the new Handy Man and get a quote on what the cost would be to build a new floor for the then move the shed onto the new floor in the parking.  We will be using parking stalls 18 and 19 beside building 5 for the shed.
l)        Roofing – PM Roofing has started replacing the roof on Building 5
m)   Siding and Electrical – All 6 lights on the exterior will be replaced with LED lights.  They are lower cost to maintain.  Siding will all be done in a maximum of 2 years.

b)      Financial Report
a.      YTD Reports

b.      Cheque signing – Cheque's and cheque register were signed.
Cheque #18 will be not be paid

MOTION by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Hania Kura to accept financials for info only.  CARRIED.

9.      New Business

a)      Fascia and Eaves Troughs – 2 Quotes were presented at this time 1 from Eddies Eaves Troughs in the amount of 29,542 the second was from First Choice in the amount of 9,779.  Grant is awaiting a third quote from PM roofing.
MOTION by Kent Sutherland to approve an amount of up to 10,000 for the Fascia and Eaves Troughs SECONDED by Hania Kura      CARRIED.
b)     Emcee Contract – The contract came in at a price of 312,900 with GST for the all of the weeping tile and grading with sod.  Grant to look into the price of having gravel instead of sod.
MOTION by Hania Kura to accept the quote for 312,900 from Emcee SECONDED by Rose Kody CARRIED.
At this time Kent Sutherland voted against the quote since he could not see it before-hand.

c)      Jason Lorenz Letter of Resignation – MOTION by Rose Kody to accepted Jason Lorenz’s letter of resignation SECONDED by Clare Pasterfield CARRIED.

10.  Correspondence –
a)      Letter was sent to Legal 51 regarding the mould that needs to be cleaned up in his unit.  The owner was given 30 days to get the repairs finished.
b)     Letter was sent to Legal 31 regarding Noise Complaints.

11.  Next Meeting:  May 28th, 2013. Location: Kent Sutherland B4 302

12.  Adjournment: MOTION by Kent to adjourn at 9:53 p.m.  CARRIED.


Kaskitayo House Condominiums
Condominium Plan No. 762-2678
Special Council Meeting

DATE: Saturday, May 11, 2013
PLACE: UNIT #204 B 5 Kaskitayo House
TIME: 10:30 AM


                        Hania Kura                              204-2916 105 A St. NW
                        Rose Kody                               201, 2916 - 105A ST. NW
                        Grant McCargar                      102, 2908 - 105A ST NW
                        Clare Pasterfield                     203, 10524 - 29 AVE. NW
2. Call to order:
The President, Grant McCargar called the meeting to order at 10:30 A.M..

3. Old Business
Primary Purpose of this Meeting;
This meeting was called to ratify any and all motions made by Grant McCargar as a member of the board whose attendance was done via teleconference from Oct 18, 2010 to Oct 12, 2012.
This protocol has been called into question by a concerned owner who believes we are in contravention of our bylaws by allowing this practice. This calls into question some past decisions made by the board.
Point of Information;
Our past property managers, the law courts and our own legal council believe this practice is acceptable in today’s electronic world we live in. However, your board is endeavoring to change our bylaws to allow for this attendance protocol to be acceptable. We have a Special Resolution, requiring 75% approval, in circulation currently to correct this deficiency and encourage voting in favor of this resolution.

Date of Original Meeting
OCT. 18, 2010
Treasurer’s Report
New Business
Original MOTION made by Grant to change signing authorities to any two of the following:  Kat, Nathan
and Susan – 
SECOND by Nathan
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION made by Grant to rescind original special assessment and replace it with a new
assessment of $2.54 per unit factor. 
SECOND Susan, discussion, CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant Abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Original MOTION:  Grant - for Charlene to chair meeting - SECOND - Katherine - CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Business Arising from Minutes
Original MOTION:  Grant for AV8 to make director’s binders, SECOND - Hania - CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION:  Grant to table till spring second when siding is discussed, SECOND - Nathan, CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION:  Grant to accept Anita’s resignation, SECOND Susan, CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION:  Grant to appoint Charlene Ball to board vacancy, SECOND Susan, CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION:  Grant to appoint Charlene as Director at Large, SECOND Susan, CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
MOTION:  Grant to accept Tracy's resignation, SECOND Nathan, CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Treasurer’s Report
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION:  Grant – to make signing officers Susan Rettaler, Katherine McKinnon, Hania Kura,
 Charlene Ball,
 effective immediately, 
SECOND, Susan, CARRIED. Signatures from any two of the Signing Officers constitutes an authorized
 signature on behalf of the Corporation
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
New Business
Original MOTION:  Grant to allow for the $30 budget for Christmas Party snacks, SECOND Nathan,
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION:   Grant to get rid of PO Box, SECOND Susan, CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Business Arising from Minutes
Original MOTION: Grant to continue with JLT as per their quote provided Jan. 24, 2011,
SECOND: Kat, Discussion, CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Business Arising from Minutes
Original MOTION - Grant to appoint Kat as bylaw Director
SECOND - Susan, Kat accepted, CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Old Business
Original MOTION - Grant - Wade & RH to have inspection done by Mar 15th
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION - Grant to get minimum 2 quotes from engineering companies by next meeting on
recommendation on a build out to properly insulate furnace rooms
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
New Business
Original MOTION- Grant to have Brett obtain options & quotes on those by next meeting.
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Old Business
Original MOTION - Grant to contract Sandcrest.  Money to come from Reserve Fund
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION - Grant to strike a committee to select paint colors and provide to Brett by next
SECOND - Charlene, CARRIED - Committee is Susan and Hania
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
 relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
- Policy Review
-Arrears Policy
Original MOTION - Grant to amend as discussed
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
-Rental Parking Policy
Original MOTION - Grant to amend as discussed
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
- Snow Removal Policy
Original MOTION - Grant to amend as discussed
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
- Pet Policy
Original MOTION - Grant to table to next meeting
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION - Grant to contract Cass & Fraser at $1380
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Treasurer’s Report
Original MOTION - Grant to accept as information only
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting

Old Business
Original MOTION - Grant to appoint Nathan as President
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Treasurer’s Report
Original MOTION - Grant to accept for information purposes only
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Original MOTION - Grant to accept for information purposes only
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION - Grant to have AV8 send out final notices by June 1st, to all in 90 day arrears for amounts exceeding $100.00
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Snow removal
Original MOTION - Grant to have AV8 get some quotes and contracts for next meeting
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION:  Grant, to adjourn meeting at 8:57
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Consideration of Quotes for Siding Project Engineering & Supervision
Original MOTION BY Grant McCargar/ Charlene Ball
that the Williams Engineering proposal (#i24171P.00) be accepted on the conditions that;
the $3000 Quality Assurance fee be removed from the estimate, and; the criteria contained
in the alternate proposal is included in this proposal, Carried
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Wade Engineering Crawl Space recommendations related to litigation
Original MOTION by Grant M: To go “in camera”
Seconded by Nathan T
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION by Grant M: To come out of camera
Seconded: Nathan T.
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Outstanding Business
Original MOTION - Grant that one qualified vendor be contracted to get all window/door work
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Financial Report
Original MOTION - Grant to accept financial report for information only
SECOND - Susan,
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
New Business
- Williams Contract
Original MOTION - Grant to rescind previous motion of May 27th to contract Williams Engineering
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
- Contract with AV8 - mutually agreed to end contract
Original MOTION - Nathan to terminate agreement mutually as of July 31, 2011
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION - Grant that requests for AGM Minutes include last ratified minutes and draft minutes ensuring that "Draft" is indicated
SECOND - Nathan
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION - Grant to hold AGM Sept. 26, 2011
SECOND - Nathan
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Original MOTION:  Grant- To accept Agenda SECOND - Nathan, CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Adoption of Minutes June 27, 2011
Original MOTION – Grant to accept.
SECOND – Katherine
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Property  Manager's Report by AV8  - presented
Original MOTION – Nathan to approve real estate signs for B1-101 and B2-101 for 90 days.
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Financial Report
Original MOTION - Grant to accept financial report for information only
SECOND - Katherine
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION – Grant to accept audited financial statements from Cass & Fraser.
SECOND – Nathan
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
New Business
Original MOTION - Grant to accept Janice Krivsky’s resignation, with one month’s notice, with
an effective date of Sept 1, 2011.
SECOND – Hania
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Aug. 22, 2011
Original MOTION -  Grant- To accept Agenda with changes to Adoption of Minutes to indicate July and
not June.
SECOND - Hania
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Adoption of Minutes July 25th, 2011
Original MOTION - Grant
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION - Grant - to accept the minutes from August 9, 2011
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
New Business
Original MOTION - Grant to appoint Charlene as vice president
SECOND - Susan
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Financial Report
Original MOTION - Grant to accept financial report for information only
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Sept 8 2011
Original MOTION: Grant McCargar/Susan Rettaler: to approve the Agenda as amended
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION: Grant McCargar/ Katherine Thornton: to approve the Minutes of the
Meeting of August 9th, 2011 as presented
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION: Grant McCargar/Hania Kura: to accept the August 31, 2011 financial statements for
information purposes.  CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION: Grant McCargar/Katherine Thornton: to stop all current transfers to reserve and approve
 revised Reserve Fund plan
Original MOTION: Grant McCargar/ Susan Rettaler: to approve manager to sign and seal estoppels as per
 By-law 14  
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Heating compensation:
Original MOTION: Grant McCargar/ Susan Rettaler: to compensate Owners for portion of heating as
 per Williams Engineering calculation
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Site survey quote: Treasurer
Original MOTION: Grant McCargar/ Hania Kura: to approve $3,600.00 for topographical survey
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Approval of Agenda:
Original MOTION: Grant/Charlene To approve agenda as amended
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Old Business/Arising from minutes
Sink/toilet drains - completed by Tri-Star –
Original MOTION: Grant/Rose That board cover the cost of  $273.00 for sewer cleanout in B2
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
New Business
Original MOTION:  Grant/Charlene to contract Starbrite Janitorial at $395.00 + GST  Quote# 2050
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION: Hania/Grant to accept budget for 2012.  CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Business /Arising from minutes
Original MOTION: Grant/ Rose. To hire Morrison Hershfield to do the engineering work up to
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Original MOTION was made by Grant McCargar to appoint Adam Buschkiel to the Board to fill
 the vacancy
 SECONDED by Charlene Ball
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION: by Grant McCargar that the meeting be adjourned at 9:31 PM
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Original MOTION: by Grant McCargar that the meeting be adjourned at 8:44 PM.
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Original MOTION was made by Grant McCargar to hire A.D.E. Technical services to turn off and fix
the heater in building B3 electrical room as soon as possible
SECONDED by Hania Kura  
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED
Original MOTION: by Grant McCargar that the meeting be adjourned at 8:45 PM
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
A MOTION was made by Charlene Ball to have our lawyers draft a Special Resolution to purchase
for fair market value
SECONDED by Jason Lorenz,  Legal Unit #29 in settlement of the outstanding litigation.
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 2 for and 1 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Date of Original Meeting
Policy on Owners Attending Board Meetings
Original MOTION by Grant McCargar and SECONDED by Jason Lorenz that the Board accept the Policy as
drafted regarding owners attending Board Meetings.  Owners cannot attend Board meetings unless
 granted permission by the Board in advance  CARRIED
MOTION: By Hania, Seconded by Rose to ratify this motion and all actions taken subsequent to and
relating to this motion. Discussion, Vote 3 for and 0 against this motion, Grant abstained, CARRIED

Point of Clarification
Clare voted against motions because she was not a board member, nor part of the process at the time
of the original motions between Oct 18, 2010 to Oct 12, 2012

4. New Business
MOTION by Clare, Second by Hania to accept Kent Sutherland’s resignation effective immediately. Discussion, Vote, CARRIED
MOTION:  by Clare, Second by Hania to approve purchase and install of new exterior LED floodlights from Action Electrical for $2,950.00 Plus GST      Discussion, Vote, CARRIED
MOTION: by Hania, Second by Clare to approve purchase of 4 new LED entrance lights for B4-B5 up to $1,000.00. Discussion, Vote, CARRIED
MOTION: by Rose, Second by Clare to approve quote from First Choice Siding for installation of new eavestroughs, downspouts and facia  to B1 – B5 for  $9,779 plus GST.00. Discussion, Vote, CARRIED

5. Next Meeting:  May 28  6:30 PM @ 1804 - 13910  Stony Plain Rd.

11. Adjournment   - 12:20 PM.


May 28th, 2013
#1804, 13910 Stony Plain Road, Edmonton

PRESENT:             Grant McCargar (by telecom)
                Rose Kody
Clare Pasterfield
Brittany Durelle KDM

1.      Quorum established with 3 of 4 members present

2.       Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.      Call to order: 6:30 p.m.
4.      Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Clare Pasterfield, SECONDED by Rose Kody to approve agenda as amended.  CARRIED.

5.      Approval of Minutes:  Dated April 15th, 2013MOTION by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Clare Pasterfield to approve minutes of April15th, 2013.  CARRIED.  

6.      Property Directors Report:
Clare Pasterfield Verbal Report;
a)      Buildings are looking very dirty. Marta to start June 1st.
b)      Signs for the inside of the entrance doors still need to be completed.

7.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:
a)      Litigation – Information meeting was held on May 13th. 
b)     Windows – L11 Window needs to be repaired.  Once the new handyman has been assigned KDM to find out if this is a job that he can do.  If not KDM to contact all reach glass to fix the window.  L34 Garden door is broken.  The whole door must be replaced.  KDM to contact All Weather Windows regarding installation warranty on the door.
c)      L49 – Had to reschedule appointment to have the carpets checked.  KDM to follow up.
d)     Chimney Inspections – KDM to book Chim Chimney for Option 1 Chimney Creosote Deposit Assessment at 49.85 per flue. 
MOTION by Clare Pasterfield to hire Chim Chimney for inspection option Number 1 SECONDED by Rose Kody CARRIED.
e)      Royal Insurance – Received check from Royal Insurance for half of the legal costs.
f)       Janitor – The Corporation has obtained WCB for the new Janitor.  She is to start June 1st.  Grant to send KDM a copy of the contract.
MOTION by Clare Pasterfield to approve Marta Garcia as the new Janitor at an amount of $800 per month SECONDED by Rose Kody CARRIED.
g)      Handyman – Grant presented a new Handyman Company.  Gilberts maintenance charges 40$ an hour.  Grant to send KDM all information regarding the new company.
h)     L9 Wall Repair – There is a hole under the sink that needs to be fixed.  KDM is to get the new handyman to repair this once he has been hired.
i)        Construction Update – The Board is monitoring the work.
j)        Special Resolution – To date we have received over half of the ballots in.
k)      Signs – Hania and Clare to work on getting the Vinyl Signs completed for inside the entrance doors.  Rick from First Choice is to reinstall the existing wooden boards that he took down.
l)        Pests – Ongoing prevention

a)      Financial Report
a.      YTD Reports

b.      Cheque signing – Cheque's and cheque register were signed.
KDM to contact Royal Bank to find out who still has singing authority and to remove those who are no longer on the board.

MOTION by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Clare Pasterfield to accept financials for info only.  CARRIED.

c.       Audit – KDM to contact Cass and Fraser to find out when the Draft Audit will be complete.
d.      Arrears – KDM has been instructed to start legal proceedings on all outstanding special assessment balances.  KDM to send out letters to all owners and their banks that have outstanding interest balances, giving a deadline of July 1st for all arrears to be paid.

8.      New Business

a)      Election of Secretary – MOTION by Clare Pasterfield to appoint Rose Kody as Secretary for Kaskitayo House SECONDED by Rose Kody CARRIED.
b)     Emcee change order – MOTION by Clare Pasterfield to approve the change order for Emcee Construction in the amount of 2,369.00 plus gst SECONDED by Rose Kody CARRIED.
c)      Final Inspection First Choice – Clare to inform Grant when the work has been completed.  First Choice Invoices need to be discussed and looked over by Grant and Rose.  Nothing is to be paid on the invoices until KDM has the go ahead from Grant.
d)     L54 Hardwood Flooring – Hardwood flooring has been approved on the condition that a sound proofing is put under the floor.
e)      Deck Inspections – Some decks have not been completed.  Deck payment is conditional on the final inspection.
f)       L34 Sign Request – L34 has requested to have a for rent sign up in his window.  MOTION by Clare Pasterfield SECONDED by Rose Kody to allow the sign in the window of the unit. CARRIED.

9.      Correspondence –

10.  Next Meeting:  June 25th, 2013. Location: 1804 13910 Stony Plain Rd

11.  Adjournment: MOTION by Rose Kody to adjourn at 8:23p.m.  CARRIED.

                                     KASKITAYO HOUSE
            # 201, 2916 – 105 A  STREET

PRESENT:   Grant  McCargar (by telecom)
                     Hania  Kura
                   Clare Pasterfield
                   Rose Kody
1.       Quorum established with 4 of 4 members present.
2.      Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar
3.      Call to order:  6:30 p.m.
4.      Approval of  Agenda:  Motion by Hania Kura, Seconded by Clare Pasterfield to approve agenda  as  amended.  CARRIED.
5.      Approval of Minutes :  MOTION by  Rose Kody  , SECONDED by   Clare Pasterfield   to approve minutes of May 28, 2013. CARRIED.
6.      Property Directors Report:
Hania  presented  quotes for address  signs  for Building 3,4,5  Discussion to include Kaskitayo House on address signs.  MOTION: by Hania Kura , seconded  by  Rose Kody to purchase address signs including Kaskitayo House on the signs  to a   maximum cost of   $  750.00.  CARRIED
Landscaping costs – Brittany has arranged with All Star  for credit  of one  month  during the construction period. Price to be reduced until landscaping is completed.
7.       PROPERTY  MANAGER  REPORT:   written  report from Brittany Durelle  - discussed  and  approved.   Building  Lights  were  ordered  as approved by the Board previously. 

8.       Old Business  Arising from minutes:
a)      Litigation -  ongoing
b)     Windows  - ongoing L11  needs window  repairs
c)      L24 -  correspondence  requesting repairs to furnace room.  Handyman to repair.
d)     Chimney Inspections -     completed – waiting for  written report  from CHIM-CHIMNEY
e)      B2 LIGHT FIXTURE – not working  Action Electric to  repair.
f)       L51 -  Tabled 
g)      HANDRAILS – MOTION by Hania Kura, Seconded by Rose Kody to  approve railings for concrete  steps  on Building 4 and Building 5 only to a maximum of $ 3,200.00 CARRIED.  Handyman  to  install.
h)     Handyman  -   Gilbert’s Maintenance  to start  July  1.
i)        Construction Update -   Board is monitoring the work.
j)        Special Resolution – to date we have received over half of the ballots in.
k)      Pests – Ongoing prevention.
a)       YTD  Reports
b)     Audit  Review 
c)      Cheque signing – cheques and cheque register were signed.
d)     MOTION   by Rose Kody, Seconded by Clare Pasterfield  to  accept  the  audited financial  Statements for year ending  December 31,2012  as presented by Cass and Fraser.    CARRIED.   Treasurer  to  sign  the  audited  Statements. 
e)      MOTION   by  Rose Kody  , SECONDED  by  Clare Pasterfield to accept financials for the month of May  for info only.   CARRIED.               
f)       KDM  to  retain  Holdback  Cheques  for  First Choice Siding  and  for  PM Roofing until  deficiencies  are completed  and  inspection reports  are completed  by  Morrison  Hershfield. 
g)      Arrears – KDM  to send out letters to all owners and their banks that have outstanding interest balances, giving a deadline of July 31 for all  arrears to be paid.      

10.    NEW  BUSINESS:  
A)      PET  APPROVALS -   discussions  -  L4   denied   L34  approved.
B)     EMCEE  Change  Order  -  discussion  for  concrete  steps. Another quote required.
DATE  OF  NEXT  MEETING-    July  23, 2013.  Location:  # 201,  2916 – 105 A  Street.
Adjournment:  MOTION  by Hania Kura to adjourn  at  8:30 p.m.    CARRIED. 

Board Meeting Minutes
July 23, 2013

Present:               Grant McCargar                                                President (by telecom)
                                Rose Kody                                           Treasurer/Secretary
                                Hania Kura                                          Property Director
                                Clare Pasterfield                               Property Director

Regrets:               Brittany Durelle                                         Condominium Manager, KDM Management Inc.

1.                   Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM by Grant McCargar.

2.                   ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN:

3.                   PRESENT: see above.

4.                   ABSENT WITH REGRETS: see above.

5.                   QUORUM;
There was quorum present pursuant to bylaw section 6; 4 of the members were present.

6.                   APPROVAL/ADDITIONS OF AGENDA:
MOTION by Hania,. Seconded by Clare.
Agenda additions; Old Business – J. EMCEE Change Order no. 2; K. First Choice Siding /PM Roofing; L. Furnace Room (combustion air venting); M. Lights Exterior B2.

MOTION by Hania
Seconded Rose

8.                   PROPERTY DIRECTORS REPORTS:
Clare –                 
§  Light still burnt out in B2 hallway at the front.  ACTION: Marta to replace the light bulb.
§  Carpet not cleaned in B2. 
§  Landscaping – Clare had questions regarding the landscaping but someone has come to cut the grass recently.  Is the contract on hold?  What is spelt out in the contract regarding regular maintenance? ACTION – KDM to get the lawn cut weekly.
§  Light Fixtures left on the main floor of B1 at the back entrance from recent work.

Hania –
§  The handyman has fixed the door upstairs in B5 but now the moulding is ruined.
§  The dryer vent in B3 needs to be cleaned.  ACTION: Gilbert needs to be let into the building to do this.
§  Outdoor lights still not replaced.  ACTION – Hania offered to pick up the lights.
§  ACTION: Hania to contact Gilbert regarding handyman work and about halogen lights
§  Hania received a letter from Legal 49 regarding cracks in walls and ceiling in a unit.  ACTION: Gilbert to have a look to see if this damage was done recently from the roof being replaced.
§  Large pieces of furniture have been left at the garbages.  ACTION: KDM to contact someone to remove these items.
§  Hania picked up the new address signs for the front of the buildings.  ACTION: Hania, Gilbert and Clare to put up the signs this Thursday on all five buildings. 

9.                   Old Business:
a.       Litigation – still ongoing.
b.      Windows – Brittany to contact All Weather Windows to finish work.
c.       (L49) – Repaired by Magic Wand; ACTION: Gilbert will check out the carpeting to see what damage there is.  (Gilbert says the underlay does not need to be replaced.)
d.      Chimney Inspections - Chimney Cleaning – Dates and units to have their chimneys cleaned have been given to the board from the chimney cleaners and six chimneys will be cleaned and five fireplaces will be replaced with gas ones are per recommendations from chimney cleaners.  ACTION: Occupants to be notified regarding chimney cleaning and Brittany will make arrangements for the condemned fireplaces to be replaced.  MOTION: Rose made a motion to replace wood burning fireplaces with gas ones, seconded by Hania.
e.      Janitor - Marta’s daughter is helping her out.  Is she covered by Marta’s WCB coverage?  This was tabled to the next meeting.
f.        Handyman - Gilbert came to the complex and met the board members in attendance at Hania’s.  Hania took him to Diane’s to inspect the cracks.  They came back and he reported the damage was old not recent.
g.       Resolution – Clare has had a couple of owners ask what the results of the voting on the special resolutions. 
h.      Emcee Change Order no. 2 – A grade beam needs to be installed.  Cost $2968.40 MOTION: Rose made a motion to go ahead with this and it was seconded by Clare. Carried
i.         First Choice Siding/PM Roofing: The roofing is completed and Rick is finished the bulk of his work.  The rest will be done after the weeping tile is done.  Gilbert will paint over a wall that needs to be painted.
j.        Furnace Room Combustion Air Venting:  the vents were closed as per our instructions as we were told that they were not necessary.  Estimated it may cost $150 per unit for units which have old furnaces.  ACTION: Gilbert can do this task.  ACTION: Hania to ask Gilbert to give an estimate on this. 
k.       Lights – the light at the back of B2 is still not working.  ACTION: Hania will speak to Action Electric when she picks up the lights.
The new railings can be put up by Gilbert.  ACTION; Gilbert will put up the new railings. 

10.               Financial Report: Rose went over the financials.  ACTION: Clare made a motion to approve the financial report, and it was seconded by Hania. 

11.               New Business;
Correspondence: A quote came for the repairs on the unit in B1 that had the fire.  MOTION: Rose made a motion to approve the repairs for the insurance claim to be completed by Prime Restorations.  Hania seconded the motion.  Grant will let the adjusters know our decision.

Date of AGM: September 24 was chosen as the date for the AGM.  ACTION: Brittany will contact the church to book the hall for the AGM. 

Pets: a letter will be sent to the owner in B2 to regarding his request to own his dog to let him know that the request has been denied.  There is a large dog in B4  (#201)and a letter will be sent to the owners to notify them of the process to own a dog. 


13.               DATE OF NEXT MEETING
The next meeting will be held at Hania’s on August 27, 2013.  Clare sends her regrets.

14.               ADJOURNMENT:
The meeting was adjourned at 2035 hours.


August 27th, 2013
2916 – 105A Street  

PRESENT:         Grant McCargar
                Rose Kody
Hania Kura
Brittany Durelle KDM
ABSENT WITH REGRETS:  Clare Pasterfield

1.       Quorum established with 3 of 4 members present

2.        Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.       Call to order: 6:30 p.m.
4.       Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Hani Kura, SECONDED by Rose Kody to approve agenda as amended.  CARRIED.

5.       Approval of Minutes:  Minutes are to be tabled till the appropriate changes can be made.  MOTION by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Hania Kura CARRIED.  

6.       Property Directors Report:
         Hania Kura
a)      B3 Door closer needs to be fixed                                                                                   Gilbert
b)     All doors need to be checked to make sure they close properly and tight   Gilbert
c)     Motion by Hania Kura Seconded by Rose Kody to approve the purchase of railings for $1900 from the deck store.                                                                      CARRIED

7.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:
a)     Litigation – Litigation is ongoing.  No new information to report at this time. 
b)     Windows –L34 Garden door is broken.  The whole door must be replaced.  KDM is in contact with All Weather Windows regarding installation warranty on the door.  Work is to be completed once the renovations are done. 
Action: KDM to stay in contact with All Weather Windows and get them in as soon as work is completed.
c)      Chimney Inspections – During the fireplace inspection 5 fire places were condemned and 6 needed cleanings.  So far the company came in and cleaned 3 units.  The 3 remaining units are to be booked and cleaned at the Owners Expense.  A locksmith is to be hired if we can-not get into the units.  The 5 fire places are so be replaced with gas fire places as previously done in the past.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Rose Kody to replace all 5 condemned fireplaces with gas fireplaces.                                                                                       CARRIED
Action:  KDM to send out letters to the 3 remaining units advising them that they must be home for the contractors to clean their units. If they are not there a Contractor will be hired and all associated costs will be billed back.   Also the cost of the cleaning is now being billed back to the unit since entry was not granted the first time.
d)     Janitor – So far the Board is happy with the work that is being completed throughout the complex.
MOTION by Rose Kody SECONDED by Hania Kura to assign an available storage unit to the Janitor.                                                                                                             CARRIED
Action: Grant to find out which storage unit is available.
e)     Resolution – The Board is actively trying to get more resolution in.  The Board wants to change the insurance deductible bylaw.
Action: KDM to make a spreadsheet with all the special resolutions that were received.  KDM to send the Board some examples of the Insurance Bylaw to review.
f)       AGM – The AGM has been set for September 24th.  Registration is at 6:30 meeting starts at 7:00.  The Southside Church of the Nazarene has been chose for the meeting.  Titles will need to be pulled on units that have recently changed ownership.
Action: KDM to book the large room at the Church of the Nazarene.  KDM to include the most recent Balance Sheet and Budget Comparison in the AGM packages for information only.
Action: Grant is to pull titles all on units with new owners.

a)     Financial Report
a.       YTD Reports

b.       Cheque signing – Cheque's and cheque register were signed.

MOTION by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Hania Kura to accept financials for info only.  CARRIED.
c.       Arrears –KDM to send legal 50 to legal for outstanding interest fees.
d.       KDM to call Auditor to discuss a couple issues with the new set of Financials.
8.      New Business
a)     Furnace Room Combustion Air – The Handyman sent in a quote to Grant for the combustion air.  Quote came in at $150 per unit.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Rose Kody to approve the quote in the amount of $150 per unit for the furnace room combustion air.           CARRIED
b)     Chimney Chase – Grant to get in touch with Contractor.
c)      Binder Returns – Some previous board member may still have binders that were given to them while serving on the board.
Action: KDM to contact the Board members to find out who still has a binder and get it returned.
d)     Heating Compensation – Ground floor units receive compensation on their heating bill.
Action: KDM to find the file regarding the heating compensation and have the cheques made up for the AGM.
e)      L16 – Has requested to have a for rent sign in the window.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Rose Kody to allow the sign temporarily in the window.                                                                                                                                   CARRIED
f)       Water Meters - During the construction on the building the remote water readers were damaged on the outside of the building.
Action: KDM to contact EPCOR to come out and replace the remote water meter readers.  If access is needed they would only need to get into the furnace room on the ground floor.
g)      Vents – Price was presented to clean all common property vents.  At this time a lift cannot be brought onto site with all the construction going on and is needed to do all the vents.
MOTION by Hania Kura SECONDED by Rose Kody to get the vent on Building 3 cleaned.                                                                                                                                   CARRIED
Action: KDM to contact the Contractor to have the work completed as soon as possible.

9.      Correspondence –

10.   Next Meeting:  AGM September 30th, 2013. Location: Southside Church of the Nazarene

11.   Adjournment: MOTION by Rose Kody to adjourn at 8:45p.m.  CARRIED.

September 24th, 2013
2916 – 105A Street  

PRESENT:         Grant McCargar
                Rose Kody
Hania Kura
ABSENT WITH REGRETS:  Clare Pasterfield, Brittany Durelle KDM

1.       Quorum established with 3 of 4 members present

2.        Election of Chair:  Grant McCargar

3.       Call to order: 6:30 p.m.
4.       Approval of agenda:  MOTION by Hani Kura, SECONDED by Rose Kody to approve agenda as amended.  CARRIED.

5.       Approval of Minutes:  Minutes of Aug 27, 2013  MOTION to accept as distributed by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Hania Kura CARRIED.  

6.       Property Directors Report:
    Hania Kura
a)      Need new handyman as Gibert’s Maintenance has been unreliable and unresponsive to calls.
b)     Offered up Behrand of AFRO RENOVATION INC to be contacted re interest in doing handyman work for us.        ACTION; Grant to contact

7.      Old Business & Arising from minutes:

  1. Replace  5  fireplaces  approved  at  $ 3,000.  Each. MOTION by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Hania Kura, Carried ACTION; Grant to get more quotes
  2. Approve Top Fire Inspections   $  682.50  MOTION by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Hania Kura, Carried                ACTION; Grant to advise KDM to proceed. Question when last one was completed
  3. Ratify  motion  for transfer  of  $ 77,741.83  from   current account  to  Reserve Fund  Bank for last year’s RF contributions MOTION by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Hania Kura, Carried               ACTION; Rose to advise KDM to do the transfer
  4. Approval  for  FC Siding  for   $  1,170.00    to flash all Chimney   Chases MOTION by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Hania Kura, Carried                       ACTION; Grant to advise FCS to proceed
  5. Motion for Change Orders:
  6. Abris – CO  #  1   Scaffold   $  2,425.00
    1. CO # 2   Remove Railings   $  536.00
    2. CO #  3    Asbestos  Removal  -   B5 – 304    $  5,900.00
    3. CO # 4     Extend one week for completion.
  7. Emcee – Weeping   Tile Contract    
    1. CO # 1            - Piling -  $ 2,369.00
    2. CO # 2            Beam  -   $ 2,968.40
    3. CO # 3            Sidewalks -   $  19,800   plus   15%  admin  fees
    4.  CO # 4           NOT  ACCEEPTED
    5.  CO #  5          NOT ACCEPTED
    6.  CO # 6            Not  accepted -  bottom steps included in original  contract
    7.  CO # 7           Top two steps -  accepted  at   $ 17,262.55
MOTION to accept all approved change orders by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Hania Kura, Carried                ACTION; Grant to chase contractors for completion of work behind schedule

8.      Financial Report
a.       YTD Reports given

b.       Cheque signing – Cheque's and cheque register were signed.

MOTION by Rose Kody, SECONDED by Hania Kura to accept financials for info only.  CARRIED.

9.      New Business
a)     Furnace Room Combustion Air – FCS gave Grant a verbal quote for the combustion air.  Quote came in at $150 per unit. As this was amount was approved previously for Gilberts Maintenance Service but he has not done the work, Grant to advise FCS to proceed
b)     Chimney Chases – Grant to get in touch with Contractor as to reason they are not completed.

10. Correspondence – None

11.   Next Meeting:  AGM September 24th, 2013. Location: Southside Church of the Nazarene 7:00 PM

12.   Adjournment: MOTION by Rose Kody to adjourn at 8:30p.m.  CARRIED.